To celebrate the end of secondary school education Hay War Memorial High School organises several official activities. These activities occur in the last week of Term 3.
These are outlined below:
All Year 12, Year 12 Advisor and other teachers participate in community based activities in the morning. During the year, the Year 12 students suggest activities they wish to do to support the Hay community.
The students, Year Advisor, Year Head Teacher, Principal and available teachers in the Year 12 team have lunch together at one of the hotel dining rooms or coffee shops in Hay. The school pays for the student lunch.
After lunch the students and staff return to school for the Staff v's Students volleyball game in Period 6.
The Year 12 Farewell Assembly followed by morning tea traditionally starts at 10 am. Year 12 students receive a portfolio containing their final report and certificates for first place in subjects. They also receive a rose bud; these are from the roses from the front of the school if available or they are purchased from the florist. The students may present a slide show of photos and videos reflecting on their school years, if they wish. This slide show is vetted by the Principal and stored on a USB.
The School Captains present a gift to the school on behalf of the year group. Suitable gift ideas are discussed in consultation with the Year Adviser and Principal. This has been paid for from the Year 12 fundraising activities. A farewell Year 12 cake is cut at this assembly and used for morning tea. Additional catering will also be supplied.