Our Year 11 and 12 students (Senior Students)
Our Senior Students undertake the "compressed curriculum" model which means students complete three Higher School Certificate subjects per year across each of the two years of their senior studies.
The compressed curriculum model has shown that students have less pressure on them for their exams. There is evidence from other schools that this style of Higher School Certificate delivers improved academic results.
Specifically a "compressed curriculum" means that students will study three Higher School Certificate subjects in Year 11 and sit the "HSC" exams, and then study the remaining three "HSC" subjects in Year 12.
As we undertake the "compressed curriculum" model, the academic year for the whole school starts Term 4, Week 6 and concludes the following year in Term 4 Week 5.
For further information please click on the following link:
Compressed Curriculum Presentation 9 May 2016 (PDF 253KB).